Clif Ashcraft
My Birthday: November 1, 1938
Hometown: Cincinnati,, Ohio
Current Home: Central NJ
About me:
I'm a retired chemist (organic and polymer synthesis), PhD (Berkeley), BS (University of Cincinnati), widowed, four kids, one dog.
I enjoy singing, computer music, building telescopes, taking planetary images with a webcam, double star observation and hanging out with my observatory guard dog, Chewie.
I am a member of Philomusica (tenor) and Amateur Astronomers, Inc. (research committee)
Favorite quotes:
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
-- Mark Twain
My astronomy club, AAI, meets here on the campus of Union College:
Philomusica Chorus

Noah my best friend...

Here's my new best friend, Chewbacca. His mother is an English Bulldog and his father is a wandering romantic of unknown genetic heritage.