May 7, 2020. The sun was still up when I imaged Venus with infrared filters on the ASI224MC and the 10", f/10 Meade LX50 on the Losmandy G11 mount. One of the filters is the 850 nm longpass filter I used to see through the Mars dust storm of 2018, the other is a 900 nm centerband filter with a 40 nm bandpass from ThorLabs. 300 second videos at an exposure of 0.65 ms for the long pass filter and 1.4 ms for the bandpass filter. The videos were processed with Autostakkert2 and the best 5% of the frames aligned and stacked, slight wavelet sharpening in Registax6. The center image above is a false bicolor image where the long pass filter was blue and the band pass was yellow. Was hoping to accentuate any clouds, but none showed up.
March10, 2012. Venus is within 5 degrees of Jupiter tonight. The image at the left was taken at f/45 using the Flea3 one-shot color camera coupled to the 7.25" Schupmann medial with a 3x Barlow lens. 60 second video processed in Registax6. Seeing only average and altitude was on 29 degrees.